Self-Isolation Suits Me
I’m digging it, but I look forward to entering the ‘new world’ with new habits.
I saw this post by Tara Blair Ball on my Medium home page:
When I read the headline, I had to click it because I’ve asked myself the same question. In the article, Ball asks, “Do I want this to end? It’s not ALL bad…”
Of course, I hate that people have lost their jobs and more. The economic and financial fallout was too much, too quickly. Sickness and death are awful.
I want this to end. However, I feel like it’s not time yet.
The analogy that comes to mind: I want to hit the snooze button, but maybe only for myself.
I want the world to continue at the pace that each person needs — if that makes sense. I like the current pace, but it’s not for everyone.
The world is going through a rebirth right now. For months I felt like I was going through renewal/reawakening and strongly felt…