Do You Give Away Your Power?
“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” -Alice Walker
I read this quote today while looking for blog ideas. My task list for today (Monday) included, “Plan a week’s worth of blog posts w/ prompts.” So, to quotes, I went. I found this Walker quote in a listicle.
The quote stopped me in my tracks. I hope I’m not guilty of cultural appropriation here. I know, Walker meant it in a specific context.
Still, it stopped me.
I’ve often been guilty of giving up my power, of not speaking up, of giving up too quickly because it seems more comfortable and like a way to keep the peace. I’m a people pleaser who doesn’t like conflict. This is who I am. I can decide to change or decide not to change. Either way, it is a choice. I write my script. I create the narrative.
Walking the talk
I’ve been going through a time of change, of stepping into power and feeling more powerful. This morning I took an action that I should have taken months ago, that would have saved me lots of stress and might have…