Counting the Omer and Making it Count.

Andrea Toole
4 min readApr 22, 2022
Flower in sand
Photo by sickk vibes on Unsplash

This morning, while listening to a conversation on Chutzpod! about the Jewish custom of Counting the Omer, I remembered a series that I wrote four years ago it. The posts aren’t all together, so they’re not easy to find to read as a series. To solve that, I’ve created a roundup.

Apr 3, 2018 — Introduction

— Writing this now, I looked for the newsletter from Hazon that I referred to in this post. I tend to keep emails forever, archived with labels, but I couldn’t find it. So I searched their website, and, based on what I quoted in my piece, this blog post titled “Not just “Counting the Omer;” also making it count…” appears to be the same content in their newsletter.

April 4, 2018 — Loving Kindness



Andrea Toole
Andrea Toole

Written by Andrea Toole

Digital Marketing Manager | Freelance Writer | ADHD Mentor | Available for hire.